General Readings

The Energy Charter Treaty: Assessing its political, climate and financial impacts.
OpenEx, September 2019.

One Treaty to Rule them All: The ever expanding Energy Charter Treaty and the power it gives corporations to halt the energy transition
Corporate Europe Observatory and Transnational Institute, April 2019
Modernisation ECT
Commissioned by the Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL), September 2020

Modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty. A global tragedy at a high cost for taxpayers.
OpenExp, January 2020

Redesigning the Energy Charter Treaty to Advance the Low-Carbon Transition
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), September 2019
ECT Expansion

Silent Expansion. Will the World´s most dangerous investment treaty take the global south hostage?
Corporate Europe Observatory, Transnational Institute and Seatini, May 2020

Expansion of the Energy Charter to Africa and Asia: Undoing Reform in International Investment Law?
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), June 2017
Videos and Recordings
“Toxic fracking vs. Slovenian democracy” published by CEO.
June, 2021 – Amid the climate and environmental emergency, a British oil and gas company is threatening to sue Slovenia for requiring an environmental impact assessment for a controversial gas fracking project.
“Leaving the Energy Charter Treaty: Overcoming the Sunset Clause obstacle” by Veblen Institue.
Webinar 17/06/2021 co organized with Anna Cavazzini and Pascal Canfin, members of the European Parliament
“Corporate courts vs. climate action” I ZDF Frontal21 TV program
September, 2020 – Documentary on the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) by German TV.
The Energy Charter Treaty: To “modernize” or to exit?
January 22, 2020 – This webinar, part of IISD’s series of Webinars on Investment Law and Policy, focused on the history of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), the modernization process now underway, and some of the main aspects of reform, including from the perspective of climate action.
How big coal could sue the Netherlands to sabotage climate action
December 9, 2019 – After two decades of citizen mobilisations and to avert climate breakdown, the Dutch government decided to ban the burning of coal for electricity by 2030. But the coal industry is sneakily fighting back.
Dirty Oil vs Beautiful Abruzzo: The fight against ISDS in Italy
June 25, 2019 – After a decade-long inspiring fight, the citizens of the Itlian region of Abruzzo won an important battle against the oil industry: they stopped the Ombrina Mare oil project, which would have had a huge impact on the environment.
Debate “The Energy Charter Treaty: a tool or an obstacle to combating climate emergency?”
September 4, 2019 – Luxembourg’s Energy Minister, DG Trade’s Head of Investment Policy, the International Institute on Sustainable Development’s Director of Economic Law & Policy, and Corporate Eurpope Observatory debated whether the Energy Charter Treaty is a tool to combat climate change or an obstacle to the energy transition.
Debate “The Energy Charter Treaty: a tool or an obstacle to combating climate emergency?”
September 4, 2019 – Second half of the debate including questions from the audience.
The Energy Charter Treaty and the power it gives corporations to halt the energy transition
June 12, 2018 – The fossil fuel industry has a secret powerful weapon to keep cooking the planet: The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). It is on the brink of a massive geographical expansion into Africa, Asia and Latin America, threatening to bind yet more countries to corporate-friendly energy policies.
Other resources for movements
Articles & blogs
July, 7, 2021 – Oped by Timo Wölken, S&D German MEP – Europäische Altlast: Energiechartavertrag fesselt Europa an Kohle, Öl und Gas
June, 10, 2021 – Oped by Spanish and French MPs on the ECT – Il est urgent de sortir du Traité de la Charte de l’Énergie
June, 10, 2021 – Oped by Spanish and French MPs on the ECT – La salida del Tratado de La Carta de la Energía: una decisión más necesaria que nunca
February, 2021 – Columbia Center on Sustainable Investments (CCSI) – Should the European Union Fix, Leave or Kill the Energy Charter Treaty?
January 20, 2021 – Agence Europe – European Comission does not plan to revise its proposal for a revision of the Energy Charter Treaty
December 8, 200 climate leaders and scientists – Open letter to signatories of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
November 6, 2020 – Climate Action Network Europe – The Energy charter Treaty: a dangerous agreement that can’t be reformed
October 28, 2020 – Climate Action Network Europe and Friends of the Earth Europe – Leaked Commission plan fails to bring the Energy Charter Treaty in line with climate commitments
September 8, 2020 – Euractiv – ‘Obsolete’ Energy Charter Treaty must be reformed or ditched, lawmakers say
May 29, 2020 – Africa should resist acceding to the Energy Charter Treaty with SEATINI and CEO
May 21, 2020 – Climate change News – Uniper uses investment treaty to fight Netherlands coal phaseout
April 30, 2020 – Euractiv – EU plans to reform Energy Charter Treaty falling short, activists say
April 24, 2020 – Ends Europe – Post-Cold War energy treaty remains ‘significant threat’ to EU Green Deal
Oct 30, 2019 – Yamina Saheb – It’s time to scrap the Energy Charter Treaty
Sep 20, 2019 – Yamina Saheb – Europe’s Green Deal is under threat from Energy Charter Treaty
Sep 5, 2019 – Forbes – A Little-Known EU Investor Dispute Treaty Could Kill The Paris Climate Agreement
Sep 5, 2019 – EU Observer – The controversy behind the Energy Charter Treaty reforms
Sep 4, 2019 – Euractiv – Luxembourg leads EU push to climate-proof Energy Charter Treaty
Leaked documents
July, 7, 2021 – Leaked diplomatic cables show ‘limited progress’ in Energy Charter Treaty reform talks
December, 16, 2020 – Energy Charter Treaty reform reaches milestone, with little progress to show
October, 2020 – EU proposal on definition of economic activity
July, 2020 – Negotiation draft first round of negotiations
Policy documents
December 2, 2020 – European Commission on options in case ECT modernisation negotiations fail
November, 2020 – 270 Members of European and National Parliaments – Statement on the modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty by MEPs/MPs
October 22, 2020 – European Commission – Opening remarks by Commissioner Simsons on the Energy Charter Treaty at the European Parliament Plenary
October 12, 2020 – Members of European Parliament – Parliamentary question – The EU’s position regarding fossil fuels protection, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism and public information
October, 8, 2020 – European Parliament – Amendment 143/2 adopted in the ARt 8 of the EU climate law related to the “end of protection of investments in fossil fuels in the context of the modernisation of the ECT”.
October, 10, 2019 – Members of European Parliament – Motion for a resolution on the European Green Deal by GUE/NGL Group
July 6, 2020 – Members of European Parliament – EU must end investment protection in the fossil sector
This website was produced by
Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the disproportionate influence that corporations and their lobbyists exert over EU policy-making.
The Transnational Institute (TNI), an international research and advocacy institute committed to building a just, democratic and sustainable planet.